Dear GMCLA Family,
We normally gather for our Monday rehearsals, but due to COVID-19 we cannot. While we may not be able to raise our voices in the same room, we cannot stay silent about what’s happening in our nation and in our great city.
For the past 41 years, GMCLA has come together in song in the name of social justice, and today we stand in solidarity with the Black community to condemn all acts of racism and discrimination. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles will sing live again in the name of equality for all people. For today, while we cannot sing for you in person, we want to express our support by sharing GMCLA’s 2004 performance, featuring soloist Shawn Williams, of I Know Where I’ve Been from HAIRSPRAY, with a message that is, unfortunately, all too relevant today. Click the audio/speaker icon on the video to unmute.
Be safe. Be well. Be kind to each other.
Lou Spisto Executive Director & Producer
Ernest H. Harrison Music Director & Conductor