A few weeks ago members of GMCLA were asked to participate in a new video produced by Rob Cantor.
Here’s the link to “Shia LaBeouf – Live:” http://t.co/UtnW1AQQlN , which now has over 4.000,000 hits!
Backstory from Rob Cantor:
“I wrote the song in 2012, hoping Funny-or-Die would make it into a video with Shia LaBeouf. After they rejected it, I posted the song on my website for fun. To my delight, it caught fire and started to spread virally. This year, as a celebration of Halloween, I decided to create a “live” version of the track, and I invited GMCLA to participate. Thankfully, they agreed! We filmed the video a few weeks ago at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center. In addition to GMCLA, other performers included The West Los Angeles Children’s Choir, the Argus Quartet, and 8 incredible dancers. The choreography was done by Stacey Tookey of “So You Think You Can Dance?”
Upon its release, the video was picked up by:
Jimmy Kimmel: this is great! MT @robcantor NEW MUSIC VIDEO: “Shia LaBeouf” http://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI #actualcannibal
LA Times: http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-81746074/
USA Today: http://entertainthis.usatoday.com/2014/10/22/shia-labeouf-as-a-song-is-the-weirdest-thing-ever/
Buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/abagg/is-shia-labeouf-a-cannibal-or-not
and a funny feature on Nerdist: http://www.nerdist.com/2014/10/hear-the-amazing-story-of-shia-labeouf-cannibal, “The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles has certainly proven itself to be a game bunch of fellows, having also performed the polarizing “We Saw Your Boobs” at the opening of the 2013 Academy Awards ceremony with Seth MacFarlane. But their work here with Cantor easily surpasses musical work.”