By Don Grigware
As part of season 36, GMCLA (Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles) outdid themselves in the presentation of their summer show Vegas, Baby! the weekend of June 20-21 at the Alex Theatre, Glendale. It was a fun, fun production like those of yesteryear, which featured much more than just the group’s singing talent. Choreographers Billy Rugh and Michelle Benton had small groups from the chorus dancing their tushes off in several scenarios including a salute to showgirls (Cy Coleman’s and Dorothy Fields’ “Pretty Legs”/”Big Spender”), gambling fever (“Luck Be a Lady”), a tribute to Rocky and Vegas boxing (“Rocky Medley”), and just a plain old mischievous look at female as well as scantily clad male dancers shimmying those strip club poles (“She Works Hard for the Money”).